Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Islamic and Middle East World Conflicts - 1048 Words

Which current conflict in the Middle East and Islamic world stands as the biggest constraint to peace in the region? Discuss with reference to at least two conflicts. Historically, there have been many problems in the Middle East due to foreign occupation. Middle East has always been hot and it is still hot. However, there seems to be no end to the fire. There have been a lot of peace talk in the region, but the conflicts still is still unresolved. In this paper, I will discuss the top three conflicts in the Middle East that stands as the biggest constraint to peace in the region. First conflict is the conflict between two islamistgroup Hamas and Fatah, second conflict is the Arab-Israeli conflict, and finally Syrian civil War. The Arab-Israel conflict started over a land. Both Palestinian Arabs and Israeli wanted the right to the same land. During the WW II Britain promised both sides a state in Palestine. After the war, the British Empire gained control of Palestine. The British mandate opened Jewish immigration into Palestine. Arab Palestinian population felt threatened by increase of few population and fights broke out on both side. The rise of Hitler and Zionist activities also contributed to the increase of Jewish immigration to Palestine and conflict grew. In 1947, the united nation intervenes by giving 56 percent of the territory of Palestinian to the Jews even though they made up two-thirds of the population. Arabs rejected the UN plan for Palestinian because theShow MoreRelatedEssay Understanding Islamic Religion and Culture1221 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is your view on the Islamic religion and culture? Did you know they are the fastest growing religion in the world today, with eighty-percent now developing outside the Arab world(Belt, Don) Today’s generation does not show much interest or knowledge of their own religion; let alone the Islamic people. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Poetry Anthology on John Brereton Free Essays

POETRY ASSIGNMENT ?Biography John Le Gay Brereton was born in Sydney, Australia, on the 2nd of September 1871. He was the fifth son of John Le Gay Brereton (snr), a doctor, and his wife Mary Tongue. His parents and family life impacted greatly on his view of the world, distorting it from the views of the norm of the times. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry Anthology on John Brereton or any similar topic only for you Order Now John senior was also a poet, and published several volumes of poetry. John junior went to school at Sydney grammar school, and was just 15 when his father died in 1886. John moved on to study at the University of Sydney, and graduated with a bachelor of Arts in 1894. John was the editor of many newspapers, including his school paper, as well as the university paper: Hermes, and after 1890, John was a regular contributor to the Sydney quarterly magazine. Through his press ties, his poetry and literature became better known than that of most poets of the era. John produced his first poetry anthology in 1896, titled: the song of brotherhood and other verses. John produced another anthology in 1897 titled: sweetheart mine: lyrics of love and friendship. The year 1900 saw John marry Winifred Odd. In 1902, John returned to the university of Sydney, as the librarian’s assistant. He was known among the students and staff at the university to defy the way of the time by never wearing a top hat. In 1908, john published his 3rd volume of poetry titled: sea and sky. Another volume followed after the first world war, in 1919, titled: the Burning Marl. 2 years after releasing his fourth volume, he was appointed professor of English at the University of Sydney. John produced his final volume: Swags up! In 1928, and produced a series of autobiographical essays in 1930. In 1993 John went on holiday in Tamworth, and died there whilst still on holiday. John died friends with more widely known poets such as Henry Lawson. John’s wife and 4 children all survived him. Anthology ANZAC Within my heart I hear the cry Of loves that suffer, souls that die, And you may have no praise from me For warfare’s vast vulgarity; Only the flag of love, unfurled For peace above a weeping world, I follow, though the fiery breath Of murder shrivel me in death. Yet here I stand and bow my head To those whom other banners led, Because within their hearts the clang Of Freedom’s summoning trumpets rang, Because they welcomed grisly pain And laughed at prudence, mocked at gain, With noble hope and courage high, And taught our manhood how to die. Praise, praise and love be theirs who came From that red hell of stench and flame, Staggering, bloody, sick, but still Strong with indomitable will, Happy because, in gloomiest night, Their own hearts drummed them to the fight. I chose the poem ANZAC because of it’s descriptive language, truth, and it’s use of the harsh reality of war, while not glorifying war in any way. The Poet uses a mixture of descriptive text, rhyming words and rhythm to display his views on World War 1. His use of scary and uncomfortable words really reflect this message that war is a sick and gruesome place. Toby Hey, Toby, Toby, Toby! —Dead? The silence is a flood That closes, choking, overhead, And chills the living blood. The leaping friend, whose jolly bark Was greeting every night, No more to thrill the summer dark With welcome of delight? Beside his grave I bend the knee, And O, my eyes are dim. He hunted for the dog in me: I found the man in him. Swags Up! Swags up! and yet I turn upon the way. The yellow hill against a dapple sky, With tufts and clumps of thorn, the bush whereby All through the wonder-pregnant night I lay Until the silver stars were merged in grey Our fragrant camp, demand a parting sigh: New tracks, new camps, and hearts for ever high, Yet brief regret with every welcome day. Dear dreamy earth, receding flickering lamp, Dear dust wherein I found this night a home, Still for a memory’s sake I turn and cling, Then take the road for many a distant camp, Among what hills, by what pale whispering foam, With eager faith for ever wandering. The Patriot The patriot from his walls of brass Is singing loudly as I pass; With fearless heart and open eyes, He shouts the ancient battle cries; And, where I pause to hear him sing, A silent crowd is listening. My country, God bestows by thee The glory of the world to be The glory thou alone canst give To last amid things fugitive. My country, an ideal form I see thee splendid in the storm, Directress of the power divine That makes the expectant future thine. My country, all the world shall bow Before thy peace-conceiving brow, And all the peoples humbly stand Submissive to thy blessing hand. My country, yea, the foes who raise A tyrant flag shall learn to praise Thy steadfast love that dares to fight The horde of Satan for the right. My country, loveliest, strongest, best, Thou hast a mission to the rest, And greater wealth and love shall be The guerdon of thy ministry. In every land I hear him sing; In every land I see him fling His country’s flag against the skies And gaze aloft with dazzled eyes; And then his loud applause rings roundAnalysis of â€Å"Toby† The poem: Toby is a poem that was written about the death of John’s dog. the poem begins in the Poet’s point of view, calling out the dog’s name, and finding him and realising he is dead. The use of descriptive and cold language engages the reader, and helps us to embrace the feelings that the poet is trying to force upon us. The nature of the poem encourages readers to think back on times that we may have lost a close or loved person, and the poem is both a metaphor and true. the second paragraph of the poem is centered around the sinking in of the fact that one of his closest companions was dead, and that there was now an emptiness in his heart, and silence in the house. Toby’s bark used to fill the house of noise when ever John came home from work, but now he is greeted by an empty house, and the memory of what a great companion Toby was. John uses language and emotions to make the readers feel a touch sad, and to bring our minds into his perspective. The third paragraph of the poem takes us on an emotional roller coaster while John reminisces over what a good mate Toby was for him, his loyalty and how he was always there for John. The third paragraph ends with John coming back to reality, and remembering that Toby is no longer there to greet him after a long day’s work. The nature of the last sentence of the paragraph is almost distraught, and the readers can almost feel John’s pain through his clever use of descriptive and emotive text. The final paragraph is a sense of closure for the poem, poet and readers. John lays Toby to his final resting place, and realises that Toby was the greatest companion that he has had, and they spent their time together trying to find the similarities, even though John was a man, and Toby was a dog, and John definitely found the man in Toby, whilst Toby spent his time trying to find out how dog-like John really was. The poem ends with a sense of happiness, as the poet seems to admit to the loss of his friend, and closes with the fact that Toby really was a man, as he is caring, kind, and always there for his mates, no matter what is going on. Bibliography Poetrylibrary. edu. au Brereton, John Le Gay – Poet – Australian Poetry Library Poetrylibrary. edu. au (n. d. ) Brereton, John Le Gay – Poet – Australian Poetry Library. [online] Available at: http://www. poetrylibrary. edu. au/poets/brereton-john-le-gay [Accessed: 24 Sep 2012]. En. wikipedia. org John Le Gay Brereton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia En. wikipedia. org (2012) John Le Gay Brereton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/John_Le_Gay_Brereton [Accessed: 24 Sep 2012]. How to cite Poetry Anthology on John Brereton, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The OJ Simpson Case-Study-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: In the OJ Simpson Case summarise the crucial elements of the investigative process as relevant to the subsequent trial/appeal proceedings, and Identify and clearly explain the major errors/flaws/weaknesses in these procedures. Answer: Introduction The different stages of processing a crime scene may often act as hindrances to collect evidences from the crime scene and present the same before the court. Several strong cases have been lost owing to poor investigation process while weak cases have been won, again owing to the use of the appropriate method of investigation. The OJ Simpson Case (officially titled as People of the State of California v Orenthal James Simpson) is an example of a case where the processing of the crime scene and presenting of the evidences did not prove to be successful owing to the flaws in the investigation stages either because they were not followed properly or because the investigation team missed out the stages completely (Four Six, 2015). The OJ Simpson Case: An Overview Simpson was accused of the murder of his former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. The murder as committed on June 12, 1994 and the span of the trial lasted eleven months and concluded in 1995. Mr. Simpson was acquitted for both the counts of murder owing to the deficiency in the admission of evidences on part of the prosecution as was held in California v Simpson [1995]. However, he was later held liable for committing both the murders as the prosecution had failed to establish the case beyond reasonable doubt (Nelson, Phillips Steuart, 2014). Crucial Elements of the Investigative Process The murder was committed on 12th June 1994 around 10.30pm in Brentwood LA, in front of Bundy Drive Condominium which was owned by the deceased victim Nicole Brown. Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman were found murdered outside the Condo. Nicole was stabbed several times in the head and neck and her head was barely attached to the body. The police officer found a single bloody glove. The police detectives visited Simpsons Rockingham estate to inform him that his ex-wife was murdered where they found blood scattered all over the White Ford Bronco and the detectives had to enter into the house without a search warrant owing to the exigent circumstances, especially, out of fear that Simpson might be injured too. Simpson was not present that moment as he had taken a late flight to Chicago previous night. The detectives found a second bloody glove that matched with the glove at the murder scene. The blood on the glove found at Simpsons house was examined to have come from both victims and constituted a probable cause to issue an arrest warrant against Simpson. The police interrogated Simpson after he arrived from LA and the other evidences collected from the murder scene were analyzed by laboratory technicians, in particular. During trial, two witnesses testified in the court that Simpson was seen speeding away from Nicoles house and almost collided with a Nissan at the intersection of Bundy and San Vicente Boulevard. The other witness testified that he has sold a 15-inch knife to Simpson which was found to be similar to the murder weapon and the knife was sold to him three weeks prior to the killings (Douglas et al., 2013). At the trial held on 24 January, 1995, the prosecutor played a 9-1-1 call from Nicole Brown Simpson on Jan 1, 1989. She expressed her fear that her husband would cause her physical harm and there were yelling at her in the background. The prosecution further presented other essential evidences to establish that Nicole was subject to domestic violence and further presented expert witnesses to prove that Simpson was related to the crime scene. The experts presented material evidences on subject ranging from DNA profiling, shoeprint analysis (Yang, Xie Yan, 2014). The prosecution further presented evidence that established Simpson had a history of assaulting Nicole physically. Major flaws/weaknesses/errors in the investigative procedure The investigative process involved in the Simpsons case was characterized by major flaws or weaknesses. The investigating officers either failed to follow the appropriate process of the investigating procedure or have missed out the procedure entirely. In this case, the detectives commenced the investigations with the presumption that O.J. Simpson had committed both the count of murders. This presumption led the detectives visit Simpsons home and failed to secure the crime scene properly (Dutelle, 2016). They have permitted the media people to enter into the crime scene and tamper with the crime scenes, thus, failing to follow one of the fundamental rule of an effective investigating process which is to prevent any outsiders from entering to the crime scene (Hess, Orthmann Cho, 2016). Crime scene management is the most crucial part of any investigating process and it requires effective planning and organization to ensure no one tampers with the crime scene evidences. During the investigation, the police officers discovered several evidences which included reports of domestic violence, Kato Kaelins statements, DNA evidence at the crime scene and in the premises of Simpsons house, on the front of the White Bronco, flesh cuts on Simpsons hand and the evidence of the shoe print analysis; further the fact that Simpson failed to provide an alibi was also considered as evidence by the investigation officers. These are the evidences collected which are material and relevant to the case but it is the manner in which the evidences were collected, analyzed and linked together that lacked appropriateness (Saferstein, 2015). Some of the detectives involved in the case were not adequately qualified which led the defense raise question about their competency and were suspicion about the accuracy of the evidence and that the evidences cannot be trusted. There are instances where the investigation team was seen to be handling the evidences in bare hands and some were seen carrying the blood samples that were collected from Simpsons house in their pockets. This implies that the investigation process lacked appropriate ways of collecting and preserving the evidences that are material to the case (Robinson, 2016). The careless procedure applied to carry the evidences and the manner of preserving them gave the defense to claim that the evidences were not preserved properly as a result of which there are high chances that the evidences have been contaminated. Further, the defense argued that there is a probability that the investigation officers have planted false evidence to incriminate Simpson on the grounds of race in so as to frame Simpson falsely in the murder case. The defense attorney further argued that taking into consideration the inadequate investigating process, it can be said that the blood droplets found at the crime scene may be the result of the carelessness of handling the evidence by any one of the investigating team members. Furthermore, there was absence of coordination amongst the investigating team members. This is evident from the fact that the investigating team required experts from different fields to collect, handle, preserve and examine the evidences from the crime scene and enhance coordination in the investigation process (Duncan, 2015). Furthermore, there was miscommunication on part of the investigating team which led to a loss in vital information material to the case. The investigating team involved in the case lacked thoroughness which is evident from the fact that at trial, there were no arguments regarding the blood stains found on the pair of socks found in OJs bedroom. All these deficiencies in the investigating process caused the defense lawyer to successfully establish that the evidences found at the crime scenes are not relevant as they are either contaminated or have been falsely implanted to frame OJ as the murderer. An effective investigating process requires the investigating officers to collect the evidences properly and analyze them in a way that no contamination of the evidences takes place. A proper analysis of the evidences enables the investigating officers to segregate material evidences from the ones that are not strongly material to the case (Smith et al., 2017). Another significant deficiency in the investigating process was that the prosecution was unable to establish the allegations they presented before the court. For instance- the prosecution as unable to establish the shoeprint analysis that was found on the Simpsons car and the foot prints at the scene of crime. A successful investigation requires good planning and organization to bring out the maximum amount of material out of the crime scene. In OJ Simpsons case, the case was not at all organized and successful. Suggestions regarding how the failures might have been avoided The investigation errors could have been avoided in a number of ways. Firstly, the detectives should have secured the crime scene properly to prevent outsiders or media people from entering into the crime scene and it would have also prevented the evidences from being contaminated. Secondly, the failures could have been avoided by recording the evidence appropriately (Park et al., 2014). This would have enabled the investigating officers to explain the evidences collected and enabled recording of the documentation both at the scenes of crime and in laboratories. Thirdly, the investigating team could have been more thorough then they would have noticed blood on socks collected in the Simpsons bedroom. The evidences vital to the case should have been collected or noted immediately after the crime was committed and the evidences were collected and should not have been noted long time after the crime had been committed. Lastly, the investigating officer should not have let expert technic ians to re-enter the crime scene while carrying the evidence. The investigating officer should have preserved the evidences to prevent contamination. The contamination of evidence was a significant flaw in the investigating process which should have been averted. Influence of media The involvement of media can be helpful in some cases but can be disastrous in other cases. In several cases, the media can intrude on the investigation process and meddle with the case (Rayamane et al., 2014). This can potentially wreck the set consequence and possibly ruin any evidence that may be vital to the case. In the OJ Simpsons case, the outcome was potentially ruined due to the media intrusions. The media had a full view of the dead body of Nicole Brown and the investigator had to cover her with a blanket. This ruined a huge amount of vital evidence material to the case and as the evidence on the body was contaminated, nothing could e collected from the body and used in court against Simpson. Another way the media affected the trial is that there were cameras fitted in the court to televise the trial to the public. This affected the testimonies and behavior of the people in the court room making the court room trial look more dramatic. Therefore, the investigation process is an important process that should be conducted with care and skill so as to preserve the evidences, thus, facilitating the court to administer justice to the victim. Reference list Desai, T. J. (2014). ISSUES INVOLVING CRIME SCENE CONTAMINATION.Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies,3(9). Douglas, J., Burgess, A. W., Burgess, A. G., Ressler, R. K. (2013).Crime classification manual: A standard system for investigating and classifying violent crime. John Wiley Sons. Duncan, C. D. (2015).Advanced crime scene photography. CRC Press. Dutelle, A. W. (2016).An introduction to crime scene investigation. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Four, D., Six, D. (2015). Crime scene investigation and reconstruction. Hess, K. M., Orthmann, C. H., Cho, H. L. (2016).Criminal investigation. Cengage Learning. Kumar, M. V., Rayamane, A. P., Ahmed, N., Patra, A. (2014). Technical Aspects of Crime Scene Photography.Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,36(1), 68-71. Nelson, B., Phillips, A., Steuart, C. (2014).Guide to computer forensics and investigations. Cengage Learning. Park, J. L., Kwon, O. H., Kim, J. H., Yoo, H. S., Lee, H. C., Woo, K. M., ... Kim, Y. S. (2014). Identification of body fluid-specific DNA methylation markers for use in forensic science.Forensic Science International: Genetics,13, 147-153. Robertson, B., Vignaux, G. A., Berger, C. E. (2016).Interpreting evidence: evaluating forensic science in the courtroom. John Wiley Sons. Robinson, E. M. (2016).Crime scene photography. Academic Press. Saferstein, R. (2015).Forensic science: from the crime scene to the crime lab. Pearson. Smith, P. A., Mound, S., Brown, N., Leonard, R., Lovell, C., Bennett, S. (2017). Empirical approaches to improving the use of DNA in crime scene investigative practice.International Journal of Police Science Management,19(1), 54-60. Yang, Y., Xie, B., Yan, J. (2014). Application of next-generation sequencing technology in forensic science.Genomics, proteomics bioinformatics,12(5), 190-197

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Laughable Issues and Lessons in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Essay Sample free essay sample

â€Å"Who wouldn’t want to be Elizabeth Bennet? † is possibly one inquiry that a reader of Pride and Prejudice would normally inquire. As Jane Austen’s favored heroine. her â€Å"liveliness of head. † independency. humor and vivacity are a delectation to many. The best of it all is that she is able to pull the tall. fine-looking rich Darcy. Truly. who does non desire to be her? Yet. if one looks at the universe of the novel. one can non deny that Regency England is non a really friendly topographic point for adult females. Beyond Austen’s orderly fencings were wars. revolutions and a huffy male monarch opinion England. It was a disruptive clip that called for sense every bit good as esthesia. Jane Austen exhibits both these features good in all of her novels. Elinor Dashwood ofSense and Sensibilityis a idol of this every bit good as Elizabeth Bennet. Although Elizabeth does come in Netherfield Park with a boggy half-slip. We will write a custom essay sample on Laughable Issues and Lessons in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page she does non traverse the boundary lines of properness like her three younger sisters. Sense is good employed in the novel through sarcasm. Darcy himelf notes the incompatibility and power of Elizabeth’s dry linguistic communication: â€Å" [ †¦ ] you find great enjoyment in on occasion professing sentiments which in fact are non your own† ( 134 ) . Irony refers to how a individual. statement. circumstance or state of affairs is non how it seems to be. The best illustration of this is really the novel’s well-quoted first line: â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged. that a individual adult male in ownership of a good luck must be in privation of a wife† ( 1 ) . In world. adult females are by and large the 1s looking for work forces to be their hubbies or son-in-laws. That statement fundamentally summarizes the premiss of the novel and the quest of the Bennet sisters. That is besides true for Lizzy as she finds love and luck in the class of the novel. As the novel progresses. this sarcasm will intensify. In this essay. the mode of which issues such as the adult female inquiry. category mobility and matrimony are ironically laughed alternatively of subversively protesting about them will be explored. peculiarly in Elizabeth Bennet’s experiences. Even in the novel’s first sentence. one could see the ends of adult females in society at that clip. The end of about every adult female so was to get married a rich adult male and do her girls marry rich work forces. Womans were merely intended to delight work forces. In one drawing room conversation at Netherfield. Caroline Bingley lists the features of an complete adult female: must hold a thorough cognition of music. vocalizing. pulling. dancing. and the modern linguistic communications. to merit the word ; and besides all this. she must possess a certain something in her air and mode of walking. the tone of her voice. her reference and looks [ †¦ ] ( 29 ) . All these features are the features of a perfect hostess. Mr. Darcy adds to this: â€Å"the betterment of her head by extended reading† ( 29 ) . All of these remarks seem to divert Elizabeth as she replies to both: â€Å"I am no longer surprised at your cognizing merely six complete adult females. I instead wonder now at your cognizing any† ( 29 ) . That shook the Bingley sisters’ nervousnesss. Not merely did that comment imply that they are non complete adult females but besides it inquiries their very impression of complete adult females. The inquiry of woman’s individuality does neither arise in the novel that much nor is it answered. but like in that peculiar conversation. it is questioned. Marriage. as antecedently mentioned. is one of the chief topics of the novel as it follows the matrimony conquerings of the Bennet sisters. In Regency England. matrimony is normally a concern dealing. Few people marry for love. Many marry for security like Charlotte Lucas in get marrieding Mr. Collins. Before that event. readers are given a glance of Charlotte’s positions on matrimony: Happiness in matrimony is wholly a affair of opportunity. If the temperaments of the parties are of all time so good known to each other. or of all time so similar before-hand. it does non progress their felicitousness in the least. They ever contrive to turn sufficiently unlike afterwards to hold their portion of annoyance ; and it is better to cognize every bit small as possible of the defects of the individual with whom you are to go through your life ( 16 ) . Of Charlotte’s matrimony to Mr. Collins. Elizabeth could merely â€Å"meditate upon Charlotte’s grade of contentment† ( 122 ) . For Elizabeth. felicity in a matrimony such as that is impossible. as she has day-to-day cogent evidence of that in the matrimony of her parents. There are non many happy matrimonies in the novel. Class mobility is interrelated with matrimony in the novel. Womans are non the lone 1s to get married rich but besides work forces like Mr. Wickham. since one could travel up the societal ladder done matrimony as some people do through trade like Mr. Bingley. Unfortunately. characters such as Lady Catherine like â€Å"to have the differentiation of rank preserved† ( 124 ) . The blue Lady Catherine and Mr. Darcy show their clasp on other categories through assorted workss. As Lady Catherine controls Mr. Collins so does Darcy act upon the noveau riche Bingley in interfering in Bingley’s relationship with Jane. Darcy’s construct of pride is linked to his category. The construct of pride in the novel is linked to honour and responsibility. Elizabeth herself acquiescences: â€Å"you have chosen your mistake well† ( 43 ) . Though Elizabeth and the novel’s readers could laugh at Mr. Collins fawning over Lady Catherine or Ms. Bingley seting herself on show for Mr. Darcy. category struggle is obvious. Jane’s matrimony to Bingley and Elizabeth’s matrimony to Darcy in the terminal does small to harmonise the relationship between these categories. Elizabeth laughs at those issues but as she experiences them she can non deny that those issues are existent in her universe. At the center of the novel. she learns that she is blinded by bias. so that she could non truly approach the issues that surround her every bit objectively as she thought: How despicably have I acted! [ †¦ ] I. who have prided myself on my understanding! —I. who have valued myself on my abilities! who have frequently disdained the generous candor of my sister. and gratified my amour propre. in useless or blameworthy misgiving. —How humiliating is this find! [ †¦ ] But amour propre. non love. has been my folly. [ †¦ ] Till this minute. I neer knew myself ( 159 ) . Her sense of vision was questioned. so she had to reconsider her sentiments of about everything. When Lydia was invited by Mrs. Foster. she objects to her father’s determination. seeing Lydia’s shame more clearly. In Derbyshire. she comes face to confront non merely with â€Å"his beautiful evidences of Pemberley† ( 286 ) but besides the world of his category. She came to recognize that â€Å"to be the kept woman of Pemberley must be something† ( 185 ) . Lydia’s elopement with Wickham merely became the concluding blow to her. coercing her to earnestly see her connexions. Given all of Elizabeth’s experiences. the modern reader would likely inquire if these lessons are still applicable in the 20Thursdaycentury. since many chick-lit authors such as Helen Fielding draw inspiration from this novel. Possibly one could state â€Å"yes† to that. There is still a grade of bias in all manners of instruction. even in this post-Holocaust universe. But at least. in this epoch. many people are more cognizant of bias and its effects than in Jane Austen’s clip. The issues mentioned here are taken more earnestly. Truly. issues such as the adult female inquiry. category mobility and matrimony are found ironically absurd in this novel. But after reading this novel. the reader. like Elizabeth. is besides forced to oppugn his sense of vision and bias. As the reader considers this. one might non believe this issue of bias laughable at all. Plants Cited — .Pride and Prejudice. Ed. James Kinsley. Oxford: Oxford UP. 1998.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Use Archetypes to Create Literary Characters

Use Archetypes to Create Literary Characters Use Archetypes to Create Literary Characters Use Archetypes to Create Literary Characters By Mark Nichol In essence, any literary character is drawn from one or more archetypes. An archetype is basically the pattern for a character, associated with a trait or a concept. Archetypes are most easily recognized in genre fiction science fiction, fantasy, horror, thriller but they are applicable to any fiction, whether of high or low literary aspiration. The key is to select one or more archetypes as just the first step in character building. But there are many types of archetypes from various belief systems and other sources. Try, for example, associating a character with one of the figures from the Chinese zodiac boar, dog, dragon, horse, goat, monkey, ox, rabbit, rat, rooster, snake, and tiger each of which is endowed with a complex array of both positive and negative traits (which I’ll let you research for yourself). For that matter, what’s your character’s (Western) astrological sign? (You don’t have to believe in astrology or any other belief system to derive characters from it.) Alternatively, draw on mythology, legends, fairy tales, or folklore, or existing literature, including Shakespearean characters, or on Tarot cards, for that matter. (The noncharacter cards can inspire you to develop the plot, too.) Here are some classic archetypes, including some based on Jungian psychology, to get you started: Child Guardian Herald Hermit Hero Hunter Judge Mentor Sage Shadow Shaman Sidekick Trickster Wanderer Note that there are often multiple subtypes. Heroes are especially variable: They can be loners, or collaborators, they can be willing, or unwilling, they can be comic, serious, or tragic, they can be cheerful, or cynical. Combinations of archetypes are easily achieved, too; a mentor can be a guardian, a hermit, a judge, a sage, a shaman, a trickster, or a wanderer as well, or two or more of the above. The personality enneagram, a nine-pointed array of personality types, might also be a useful reference for character building. The nine types follow: Achiever Enthusiast Helper Leader Loyalist Mediator Observer Reformer Romantic You can research enneagrammatic types further to identify their typical desires and fears, virtues and vices, and the like. Consider these psychological types based on the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator psychometric assessment: introversion/extroversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judgment/perception. (Everyone is a combination of both types in each pair, but in different ratios.) Also, evaluate your character on their relative affinity for other people, for things, and for information. Again, everyone has an aptitude for interpersonal relationships, for working with objects or devices, and for receiving, processing, and sending data, but they possess these talents to differing extents. What does your character’s people/things/information pie chart look like? Marketers, mechanics, and mathematicians are primarily people, things, and information oriented respectively, but their personalities include amounts of the other two elements as well. Have you employed any of these strategies to create characters? What are some others you can think of? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Handy Expressions About Handsâ€Å"As Well As† Does Not Mean â€Å"And†Writing Styles (with Examples)

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Piece of Peace Essay Example for Free

A Piece of Peace Essay ? The terrorist attacks on September 11th affected more than just the lives of those in people who were the direct victims of the attacks. An entire nation was victimized and the whole nation grieved for those who suffered in New York City. As the attacks occurred I sat in my high school English class and while the teacher taught I day dreamed. It was a typical Tuesday morning and to be truthful I did not ever hear her the first time she explained the tragic events that had taken place just moments ago. I heard the word â€Å"terrorists† and the fragments of statements like â€Å"hundreds died this morning when†. Then, I could only hear my heart beat in my ears. I watched my teacher turn on the TV. She flipped through several stations. I don’t remember what I saw but I can remember what I heard. It was the sound of people crying. Over the next few months, as a nation, we followed the story as did the world. I can remember President Bush attempting to comfort the United States and telling us America would be going to war for reasons that weren’t clear to me then and certainly aren’t clear to me now. Somewhere between the night of September 10th, when I was plotting how I was going to avoid school the next morning and the night of September 11th, I grew up. When I look back on that time in my life I am left with a single haunting thought – It is the pursuit of peace which leads to destruction. Even today, years after the terrorist attacks, people still talk about how that day changed everything. I agree, in some ways. It changed me and I became something new. It changed my family. It changed how American view other Americans and how we view the rest of the world. Americans have since the birth of the nation believed that their way was the best way. Americans were shocked to find out that people hated them enough to want to kill them. September 11th forced America’s to reflect on the military, social, and political actions of America and how they effected people of other countries. Perhaps American’s are not always in the right. For example, President Bush I gave weapons to the Afghan people to win a war against Russia. When the Afghan people defeated the Russian, Afghanistan was completely destroy. American promised them they will help rebuild but they did not. That is why the terrorist were able to come into the country and making a terrorist breeding ground. I don’t think that September 11th effects the way Americans conduct their lives daily. People who say it does are feeling the pressure of guilt. Society says we must not forget, and as Americans say we won’t. As a nation the citizens learned that there is a fine line between terrorist and freedom fighter- we are just afraid to admit it and seem unamerican. Those men who ran planes into building, killed Americans and killed themselves wanted only one thing – peace. They wanted freedom from the western world and choose to die. Just as we wanted independence from England centuries ago. In looking for peace they destroyed lives, families, and shook the protected ground the United States sat on. It made the country stronger but not smarter. I am anxious over the global discord and the cultural ignorance that seems to grow between the United States and the rest of the world. The problems in Iraq foretell and may spark future clashes with a number of civilizations in the future. Just recently I drove home from work and I flipped through different radio stations. I caught the end of Bob Dylan’s â€Å"The Times They Are A-Changing†. It’s funny because that is my mom’s favorite song and I had forgotten it existed. I still can hear her sing, â€Å"Come gather ’round people Wherever you roam / And admit that the waters Around you have grown /For the times they are a-changin’†, while she tinkered around in the kitchen way before anyone else got up. I don’t know that I ever really listened to the words before. Dylan knew and my mom knew things I was just beginning to. Dylan and my mom knew â€Å"there’s a battle outside And it is ragin’† and September 11th did shake our â€Å"windows† and rattled our â€Å"walls†. As a nation it’s citizens have no right to â€Å"criticize What we [you] can’t understand† and our â€Å" sons and [y]our daughters Are beyond our [your] command† (Dylan). Our soldiers fight a war for reasons no one really knows for America that would rather criticize them then help in country that does not seem to want peace. Dylan sings about the injustice in war and that we should not be afraid to speak our minds: Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide The chance won’t come again And don’t speak too soon For the wheel’s still in spin And there’s no tellin’ who That it’s namin’. For the loser now Will be later to win For the times they are a-changin’. (Dylan) Bush wants peace but for his own reasons and through those reasons American soldiers are dying, and so are the Iraqi people. It is ironic that while those terrorists die nobly but ur soldiers die in such a cruel way. McKay writes in his poem, â€Å"If We Must Die,† that people should not die for nothing or by doing nothing. That death is inevitable, especially in war, but all people must fight for the things we want in this world and hold on to life and liberty as long as we can: O kinsmen we must meet the common foe! Though far outnumbered let us show us brave, And for their thousand blows deal one deathblow! What though before us lies the open grave? Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack, Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back! (Claude McKay) In the summer of 2001 I was lying in my hammock and I could see a butterfly in my backyard. I remember as a child learning that caterpillars itch and go into cocoons to find peace from that. Change in a way is a form of destruction. To be able to be someone new people have to give up their old selves and move past who they used to bee. When a child develops into an adult, he must give up his toys, his childhood beliefs like believing in Santa Claus. His childhood fantasies must be destroyed if he is to move on. In the years that followed September 11th I could feel myself â€Å"adapt to my new surroundings† (White Line 2). White, through the use of nature explores the scary nature of change: I have to shed my skin again Adapt to my new surroundings become another version of myself. The change within me does not happen overnight but through the evolution of my life (White) I was filled with American’s sense of patriotism and unity. The new American was like â€Å"the first fish that grew tiny legs† (White Line 8). Christine White’s poem, â€Å"Molting† reminded me that it was not just me that grew up, the United States did too. White’s point of view is that change is not a bad thing and is inevitable. Nearly every person around the country joined together as one united entity to pay tribute and homage to all the fallen heroes. There was a sense of harmony and peace. In way I think America, even those the terrorist attacks were tragic, knew that such an event was needed if we were going to â€Å"shed our [my] skin† (White Line 1) and become a stronger nation. As time goes by and my bad memories fade I remember America in it’s full glory. Watching the cumulative effect of humanity shining through the fire and smoke. I remember how many people spoke about the importance of peace and understanding. I wonder if there can be peace if Americans are divide both support and protest our soldiers in Iraq. The war over there caused a war here between Americans. It is the protesters protest protesters on both sides of the issues – each wanting peace in their own way. People who do not want our soldiers fighting in Iraq believe that they would be peace if America stopped butting into everyone’s business. People who are for the war in Iraq believe peace will only come after the destruction of all terrorists. In the end these protesters (on both sides) are destroying the morale and lives of people fighting in the Iraq war and are disgracing the memories of those that died. The price of peace is extremely high especially because Americans do not know if we can ever have it. I do know that â€Å"The line it is drawn The curse it is cast / The slow one now Will later be fast / As the present now Will later be past† (Dylan). I do know that America must hold her ground against the terrorists. Americans will not be tyrannized and forced to live like cowards. Even when we face â€Å"the murderous, cowardly pack, Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back! † (McKay Line 14). The American fight for freedom and peace has also managed to destroy our economy. Oil prices increased, the value of the American dollar decreased, and the stock market bottomed out. When Clinton was President the stock market was well over 10,000 after 9/11 it drop well under 8000. President Bush spent the Clinton Surplus on military, and it is just now in 2006 that the stock has become stabilized. I think that our economy will emerge from this disaster and become strong once again like it was before the attacks. In the pursuit of peace and destruction, people in Americans have finally understood their place in society and were back â€Å"in the sun† (White Line 10). Not as a not as a bystanders but an active and willing participants. Americans realize that there needs to be a great deal of change and those changes have started. American citizens encourage our â€Å"senators, congressmen Please heed the call / Don’t stand in the doorway Don’t block up the hall† (Dylan). And governmental officials are making changes. I think our nation needs to help a new generation of people realize that aftermath of that day when humans lives were lost and America’s unique humanity and independence was demonstrated. This generation’s hearts were opened and turned around in the wake of airplane crashes. On September 11, 2001 many people lost their lives because men were seeking their own personal peace. Daily our soldiers are destroyed one by one for the goal of peace. The American economy struggles because of the war for peace against terrorism. Americans fight Americans over whether we should be in Iraq or not which tears apart soldiers’ pride. Before that Tuesday in September, I never thought about life and death. I never considered the consequences of war and the denial of freedoms. Now that I am older, I realize that September 11, 2001 was not just pivotal point for me but America itself. Not since Pearl Harbor had the United States been unexpectedly attacked on it’s own land. Just as families pulled together so did the United States as a whole. As a nation we cried together and we healed together. To actually witness the attacks was life changing but to be part of the healing process was life affirming. A Piece of Peace. (2017, Mar 10).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nursing Leadership Philosophy and Diversity statement Essay

Nursing Leadership Philosophy and Diversity statement - Essay Example Therefore, it is the responsibility of healthcare management to lead and influence the development of expectations, vision, and shared values to ensure overall effectiveness and direct the organisation towards the achievement of planned goals and objectives. Healthcare and hospital providers are today adjusting to changes of environment and redirecting their management policies. For every nurse to provide good quality care to his or her patients, he or she should become more efficient when administering care, should improve peer practices, elevate peer’s standards of care within the hospital environment, and advocate his or her patients. All these acts represent the attributes of an effective nurse leader. A nurse who sees the need for improvement, change, advancement, and innovation forms fundamental traits that are essential in active leadership (Sherman, Schwarzkopf, & Kiger, 2011). As conditions change day by day, the delivery of care also changes, therefore, the need for flexibility and versatility during care giving, for effective adaptation to these changes as they occur. Thus, my nursing practice has been mentored through programs that are directed by the theory of situational leadership that has helped me to nurture and develop my innate traits for the betterment of my peers and patients depending on how the situations occur. The senior leaders in my organisation encouraged subordinate leaders to develop various leadership styles to manage different circumstances and situations better. I have researched a number of leadership theories in nursing during self-evaluation, and I have concluded that my leadership styles can be well described by situational leadership theory. This is because of my capability to adapt to various situations as they occur, love to work in a team, my practice is evidence based, and allow my peers to contribute in decision-making. The situational leadership

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Thinking - Essay Example ver, recent years have shown the will of the two nations to come a peace agreement but political analysts have argued that the influence of outside forces is greater than their will to negotiate a peace deal. One significant external force directly linked to this conflict is the United States. The United States is perceived as a great ally of the Israeli nation. At the same time the nation is directly involved in the quest for peace in the region. In an argument by Citron (2006) the relationship between the United States and Israel is the greatest hindrance to a peace strategy between the Arab and the Israeli. The author further argues that the United States protects nuclear activities carried out by Israel but greatly condemn if any Arab nations use the same weapons. With this intervention, the quest for peace in the region has become an imagination that may never be achieved. It is also an obvious assumption that the Arab population has a significant level of hate against the United States. And their involvement in the conflict in the Gaza does not make the situation better. One could easily argue that the role of the United States in this particular conflict is to safeguard its interest and their diplomatic relationship with Israel. However, to their defense the United States government has on several occasions claimed that its involvement in the conflict is based on its responsibility to stop the use of dangerous nuclear weapons rejected across the globe. Additionally, its significance in the global political front puts the nation in a position whereby it has the obligation to act as the negotiator in this conflict. In an argument by Citron (2006) with the majority of the Arab nation against the role of the United States in the conflict, would it be better if the negotiating responsibility was given to a neutral nation? The same notion is shared by Maoz (2006) who argues that the Arab/Israeli conflict has been heightened by the constant interference of the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cert Introduction Essay Example for Free

Cert Introduction Essay 205 cert introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children and young people’s settings. 205 cert. 1 understanding the implications of duty of care. Q 1.1 Define the term duty of care. A 1.1 Health and social care organisations have what is called a duty of care towards the people look after, that means that they must do everything they can to keep the person in their care safe from harm, it is not only the care establishment that needs to prioritise the safety, welfare and interests of the people using its services, but also the care workers of the establishment. My employer also has a duty of care for staff members, to ensure that workers conditions are safe, suitable to deliver the service. Q 1.2 Describe how the duty of care affects own work role. See more: how to start a paragraph A 1.2 Duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeable harm others. 205 cert. 2 understanding support available for addressing a dilemmas that may arise about duty of care. Q 2.1 Describe dilemmas that may have arisen between the duty of care and an individual’s rights. A 2, 1 as a care worker my aim is to help people live independently. That means encouraging them to make decisions for themselves. When someone in our care decides to do something that we think is unsafe, we face a dilemma (a difficult choice between two decisions). If we stop them doing it, are we denying them the right to take risks? If we let them do something dangerous, are we failing in our duty of care? Q 2.2 explain where to get additional support and advice about resolve such dilemmas. A 2.2 Additional support may come from: Families and friends of the individual. Colleagues. Peers. Senior carers. Managers. Registered managers. Advocates. Care standards. Community psychiatric nurses. Health visitors. Doctors. Police. Local counsellors. Members of parliament. 205 cert. 3 Know how to respond to complaints. Q 3.1 describe how to respond to complaints. A 3.1 Individuals and their relatives and friends are confident that their complaints will be listened to, taken seriously and acted apon. The registered person ensures that there is a simple, clear and accessible complaint procedure which includes the stages and timescales for the proses, and that complaints are dealt with promptly and effectively. The registered person ensures that the person home has a complaint procedure which specifies how complaints may be made and who will deal with then, with an assurance that they will be responded to within a maximum of 28 days. A record is kept of all complaints made and includes details of investigations and any action taken. The register person ensures that written information is provided to all individuals for referring a complaint to the QCA at any stage, should the complainant wish to. Q 3.3 Identify the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints. A 3.3 There are principles of good complaints procedures by the local government ombudsman and heath service ombudsman .they are the following. 1 Getting it right.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Is the Impeachment in the Nations Best Interest? :: History Clinton Scandal Essays

Is the Impeachment in the Nations Best Interest? The President of the united States obstructed justice by encouraging Monica Lewinsky to file a false affidavit in the case of Jones v. Clinton. Then he committed grand jury perjury when he stated that he told Ms. Lewinsky she might be able to avoid testifying in the case by filing an affidavit. He also obstructed justice by allowing his attorney to use this false affidavit in an attempt to cut off a legitimate line of questioning during his deposition. He then lied about this obstruction before the grand jury. The President still denies he broke the law. He knows, however, that as soon as he does admit this then it’s all over for him. Personally I think the President did break the law. But is it worth sacrificing the wellbeing of the nation over this? Do we really want to look our kids in the eye and tell them that the nation’s economy was ruined over the Presidents penis? How could this impeachment be good for the country? Is it somehow going to make the country stronger for people to see that even the President is not above the law. Every day people see cops fixing tickets, judges fixing tickets, politicians getting the children of their â€Å"friends† off the hook when they screwed up and there are hundreds of other ways people in this country avoid the consequences of the law. Americans are used to washing each others backs and looking the other way. Yet now the President can’t get away with exposing himself without being charged with obstruction of justice. It’s down right scary to think the President of the wealthiest country in the world doesn’t have enough pull to get out of this. I submit that O.J. Simpson got away with killing two people and with a mountain of evidence against him. So if you can’t trust this Democratic President who can you trust? Certainly not the Republicans, they said â€Å"Hey Bill just admit wrong doing and all will be forgiven† but that obviously was a lie. Now the war against the two parties has taken on a new ferocity. The next thing you know neither side can trust the other. Take this as a hypothetical senario. Tensions build between the two groups, a Democrat bombs the Republican headquarters, the Republicans retaliate, and hard lines are drawn in our country.

Monday, November 11, 2019

IPT Marketing

As a consumer-focused company, It’s Popcorn Time! (IPT) will be joining the ranks of such organizations as Nike, Diageo/Guinness (a liquor distributor), AAA, and Ford Motor Company. What this means is simply that IPT will go forward with marketing strategies that are designed to serve the customers, anticipate their needs and deliver value through the distribution of a quality product. Through the use of segmenting, targeting, positioning, and differentiation, IPT will be utilizing the same strategies major corporations do and develop a plan which focuses on reaching its consumers. Ford Motor Company rolled out a new consumer-focused marketing strategy in 2000 to allow them to interact with their customers. In doing so, they were able to determine the consumers’ expectations for the vehicles they purchased and follow up with them afterward to ensure their needs had been met when they purchased a Ford product. Nike used marketing strategies to identify key geographical areas which promised the greatest growth for the company, then divided the areas into segments in order to effectively target the new consumer bases. The first step is determining the boundaries of IPT’s market and then segmenting it. Currently IPT, enjoys a strong local consumer base which can be divided into retail and wholesale segments. As physical expansion occurs, market segments will need to be further differentiated with the inclusion of customers throughout the United States and Canada. In addition to this geographical segmentation, using psychographic criterion will identify further segments, such as those who are health-conscious. Targeting involves deciding which of our market segments are most beneficial to IPT’s bottom line and using appropriate marketing materials to reach this customer base. For example, IPT currently sells to wholesale accounts who purchase products at a reduced price but distribute them to a wider population. Consequently, the wholesale market will remain an important aspect of reaching future sales goals. Popcorn and pretzels can target the health-conscious segment by marketing their low fat, low sugar and low caloric composition. Positioning IPT in the market will consist of developing a distinctive brand image that focuses on the quality of its offerings. By focusing on the quality, variety, and uniqueness of products in addition to IPT’s superior customer service standards, IPT will create its position in the market to more effectively target market segments and reduce the threat of competition. What makes IPT different from other food products companies? It is the ease of ordering, which will be further enhanced by the creation of a point-of-sale website, the types of products, showcased by â€Å"Pennsylvania Dutch† treats, and the delivery of service which conforms to, or exceeds, customer expectation. IPT’s products are distinctive and tasty. They are not the cheapest nor most expensive on the market due to the quality ingredients used and this will differentiate IPT from other, more mainstream companies as well as â€Å"gourmet† foods distributors. As part of targeting, positioning and differentiation the following strategies will be employed: 1) Advertising – Develop an innovative campaign for introduction of new products and the expansion of the company’s core portfolio of pretzels and popcorn through advertising in traditional media as well as creation of the website. 2) Sales promotion – to include an aggressive sales blitz with managers handing out catalogs, coupons and samples. Marketing materials will be carefully developed to target both retail and wholesale segments. 3) Public relations – IPT must be visible in the community, particularly in those geographic areas which are new markets, through the use of local newspaper advertising, sponsorships and promotional events. 4) Customer Relationship Management – CRM practices will be instituted to retain existing clients as well as create a forum for testing the introduction of new products. Works Cited â€Å"Ford Motor Company Announces Consumer-Focused Organization for the 21st Century†. Ford Motor Company Press Releases. Retrieved January 15, 2008 â€Å"Nike Promotions Create Consumer-Focused Structure† (August, 2006). Display and Design Ideas. Retrieved January 15, 2008. Schewe, Charles D. â€Å"Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning – Cornerstones of Marketing Management†. University of Massachusetts. Retrieved January 15, 2008

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Analysis of Forgetfullness, by Billy Collins Essay

This poem is really easy to identify with. The first 4 stanzas are clearly relating the reader to the poem. Everyone at some point has to learn these general, seemingly useless facts. â€Å"A state flower† â€Å"The capital of Paraguay† so arbitrary, but so true in that this brings back memories of 3rd or 5th grade for almost all of us, it is bound to strike a chord with the reader. This is also coupled with a slightly nostalgic loss of these facts in the first stanza, as slowly the individual sections of a book (that you as the reader once clearly enjoyed) are systematically removed from your memory by time. Then the tone shifts from musing about facts we don’t remember, to our inability to remember them. It begins to get darker. This is useful contrast from the imagery that the reader experiences during the first few stanzas, remembering childhood, and innocence. Juxtaposed is the now darker â€Å"mythological river† described as vague that, dauntingly, is leading to oblivion. The hopeless tone thus has that much more impact as we make our way to our own â€Å"oblivion† or death, where we will join the dead: â€Å"those who have even forgotten how to swim and how to ride a bicycle.† Then Collins provides a justification for our wanting to remember, wanting to enrich our every moment, as soon memories will be pointless. Really, in the end this is providing a more inherent worth to memories than they ever had before, because of the fleeting nature of life that Collins describes. Not in a fun, youthful â€Å"carpe diem† way, Collins is showing how short we have to live. Only from this presentation can the reader then make the leap that we ought to cherish these good memories, and make good memories, such as the â€Å"moon (out of the) love poem† in the closing lines of the work.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Measuring tools Essays

Measuring tools Essays Measuring tools Essay Measuring tools Essay Either the aim or objective and the type of quantitative approach was clearly stated within the abstract or summary of all the papers. Identification of the purpose and type of research at the beginning of the paper has several immediate advantages and limitations. From a nursing perspective, it is possible to determine if the research is relevant to patients in a particular care setting. However, as McCaughan (1999) points out, subtle differences may only be apparent with further exploration of the study. Secondly, clarity of purpose suggests a well-planned study that will deliver valid and useful data. Thompson (1999) concurs with this view and suggests that without a clear statement of aims the reader is unable to determine whether the research achieves its objectives or not. Furthermore, with unclear aims, there could be a tendency towards data-trawling, which may result in providing spurious results. Although I agree with the views of Thompson (1999) and McCaughan (1999), I believe there can be concerns with stating the type of method used in conducting the research. For instance, there could be a tendency to accept the design at face value or for it to bias the critical analysis of the study. Lais (1998), study is described as a prospective, nonrandomised study. According to Woods and Catanzario (1988), a prospective design aims to observe a sample on at least two occasions over a period of time, the aim being to reduce the likelihood of bias in reporting the relationship between the cause and effect. Whereas Lais (1998) study consisted of gathering information for a period of one month and could therefore be called prospective, it is not clear whether all the criteria for a true prospective design were applied or not. However, this is not to say that the research findings themselves would not be valid and reliable. Rather that even though there is a clear statement of the type of research, care must be taken that it does not influence personal judgement or the analysis of the study. Having determined that initially, the information given in the abstract of a study can have advantages and limitations, the next point will briefly consider the value of including or excluding a literature review within the study. LITERATURE REVIEW None of the studies reviewed in this assignment contained a literature review. However, there is some evidence that previous studies had been used to inform the investigations. Homer (1998) refers to previous studies within the methodology section and again in the discussion. The studies referred to are included in the reference list. Although the material in the reference list is relevant to the topic it only contains references for seven previous studies. Similarly, Lai (1998) cites previous studies within the discussion. Again the reference list only contains a few references. On the other hand, Curran et als (2000) study incorporates references to numerous previous work throughout the text. The value of including a literature review in a quantitative study is that it enables the research problem to be put into context or to identify gaps and weaknesses in prior studies so as to justify the current investigation. Also as Carnwell and Daly (2001) discuss it is valuable in demonstrating insight into the current state of knowledge within the relevant field. However, the exclusion of a literature review does not necessarily mean that the researchers did not undertake one. On the other hand, exclusion makes it difficult to determine the reason for undertaking the studies. For example, although, it appears that Lais (1998) study may have been carried out, at least in part, to support a cost saving initiative within his medical centre, none of the referenced material concerns this issue.  However, there is a common understanding throughout the studies regarding the nature of the topic being investigated. In particular, all of the papers acknowledge that peripheral venous cannulae are associated with the development of phlebitis. THEORETICAL/CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Although none of papers (Curran et al 2000, Homer 1998, Lai 1998) identify a theoretical or conceptual framework that guided the research, there is allusion to the principles of some of the theories. For example, Curran (2000) discusses two causes of phlebitis, insertion site infection and physiochemical reactions. Similarly, Lai (1998) refers to infusion-related phlebitis and sepsis. On the other hand, Homer does not appear to refer to any theoretical framework in his study. In conclusion, it does not seem that theoretical models had a major influence on the studies. DEFINITIONS OF PHLEBITIS The studies have all identified phlebitis by using clinical indicators and severity rating scales. However, there does not appear to be common indicators or scales to identify the severity of phlebitis. For example, Lai (1998) has defined phlebitis as a palpable cord or at least two of the following, tenderness, warmth, erythema and induration. There is no particular reference as to the origin of the definition, although it appears to have been adapted from the inflammation scale used by the IV team within the hospital where the study took place. Similarly, the origin of the inflammation scale is not reported. According to Lais (1998) definition, phlebitis would be given a score of 3 or 4. Homer (1998) also defines phlebitis by clinical categorisation and allocating scores. However, the categories and scoring are different to those used by Lai (1998). Using Homers (1998) definition would give phlebitis a score between 2 and 4. Homers (1998) scale is not referenced but a significant difference from the one used by Lai (1998) is the exclusion of induration as a clinical indicator. Curran et al (2000) referred to the existing literature for indications of phlebitis. The eventual approach adopted contained two categories, erythema equal to or extending more than 3cm from the insertion site and/or purulent discharge with either or both being given a rating of 2 if present. Curran (2000) reports that this scale had been used in previous studies and includes references within the text, but does not offer any further information. However, there is no discussion as to any previous validation process that may have been used. As we have seen, phlebitis has been categorised and classified in different ways by different authors unique to their own study. Previous studies may have guided some of the categorisation. For example, Homer (1998) refers to the classification of phlebitis by Maki and Ringer (1991 cited in Homer 1998 p5) and Tager(1983 cited in Homer 1998 p5) but develops his own scale for classifying phlebitis. As a result, there appears to be no consensus of opinion regarding the rating and definition of phlebitis between the studies under review.  As well as impacting on the accuracy of assessing and identifying severity of phlebitis, the lack of a common assessment tool for defining and measuring phlebitis may impact on the generalisability of the research. Campbell (1998) suggests that the use of a uniform scale that measures the degree of phlebitis is also beneficial in providing criteria for standardising documentation. ACCURACY, VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF THE ASSESSMENT TOOL Each of the studies used clinical indicators and a rating scale to determine and measure the severity of phlebitis. The strength and appropriateness of this type of measuring tool has been demonstrated in other quantitative studies within the same field. (Dinley 1976, Maddox and Rush 1977, Baxter Healthcare Ltd. 1988 cited in Campbell 1998 p 1311) However, there are limitations and weaknesses with the tools used in the studies under review. None of the researchers have discussed how validity and reliability was assessed. Although both Lai (1998) and Homer (1998) have used tools that do not appear to have been used in previous situations, there is no report on a pilot study being carried out prior to the main study. Lais (1998) measurement tool has a number of limitations. Within the study Lai (1998) reports that the intravenous site was monitored according to a well-defined inflammation scale and has published the indicators and rating for the inflammation scale in the study. However, the tool that Lai used to obtain the data on phlebitis in his study was not the reported inflammation scale. Lai (1998) appears to have used elements of the inflammation scale and designed a scale that has some differences from the inflammation scale that he reported was used. The inflammation scale uses pain and swelling as clinical indicators but in the scale that was used in the study swelling has been excluded and pain has reduced to tenderness. Another point of concern is the implication that the severity of phlebitis could be measured on a scale designed to measure the presence and severity of inflammation. This may lead to confusion between rating phlebitis and inflammation. In other words, it is not certain that the tool actually used measured what it was supposed to measure. Homer (1998) referred to other studies before adopting a different set of clinical indicators in his scale that he reports as being more rigorous than Maki and Ringers (1991 cited in Homer 1998 p5) scale but less so than Tagers (1983 cited in Homer 1998 p5). However, there does not appear to be any reference to testing validity of the scale. A point of accuracy concerns the use of the scale for measuring infiltration as well as phlebitis. Although, the measuring of infiltration is not mentioned in the discussion section, the methods section gives the grading of infiltration as 1-3. The grading on the scale for phlebitis is 2-4. According to Homer (1998), the majority of the incidences of phlebitis were graded at 2. Consequently, phlebitis and infiltration were both graded as 2 using the same clinical indicators. Again, this raises the point of whether the scale measured what it was supposed to measure. The strength of Curran et als (2000) measurement tool lies in the fact that it had been used in other studies. However, there is no discussion as to the validity or reliability of the tool. It is also unclear as to whether Curran et al (2000) carried out a pilot study or not. There is a reference in the paper to collecting data on forty catheters, which is not the total number of the whole data collection. However, although analysis was carried out on the data collected from this, there is no further discussion. In summary, there appears to be serious weakness and limitations with the accuracy of the measuring tools. Validity and reliability appear not to have been tested. As McCaughan (1999) points out, if measuring tools are not valid then neither are study findings. Error due to the measuring technique used, the instrument itself or the person doing the measuring may affect reliability. Therefore, the next point will consider the issue of interrater reliability.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Develop a list of sources of financing for a small business Essay

Develop a list of sources of financing for a small business - Essay Example In this source, a proprietor uses own savings or borrows or sells a personal item such as bonds, mutual funds, stocks, or real estate to fund his/her business. In addition, one may use home-equity line of credit to finance own business. Furthermore, one could give loans or merely contribute money to own business. The other sources of contribution include family and friends with access to more cash than the proprietor does. The second sources of finance for small businesses are banks. In fact, in current times, banks have become quite instrumental not only in supporting already established small businesses but also in giving start-up loans for new small businesses (Burk & Lehmann, 2006). Unfortunately, banks have quite cumbersome conditions to be met before small business loans are approved. For instance, banks have to establish the credit worthiness of the borrowing business of person, more so with regards to a business’ money-making history. That is, commercial banks would wa nt to be assured that the loaned will be able to repay the lent sum plus the interests therein. It is thus imperative that the person seeking a loan from a bank draws up a good business plan in addition to the collateral against which the loan is to be given. If not, the borrower must have a guarantor or a cosigner who must satisfy the bank that he/she will repay the loan if the borrower fails to pay. Venture Capital Firms is the other common source of financing for small business. These firms give funds to small businesses considered and believed to have outstanding growth potential. On a rather negative note, quite a few small businesses are financed by venture capital firms. Being financed by venture capital firms is significantly unlike getting financed by bank loans. In fact, venture capital lenders have a right not only to the repayment of the capital but also on the interest earned by the loan, notwithstanding the profits or losses/failure

Saturday, November 2, 2019

BUSSINESS PLAN (GATEWAY TO SNOWTOWN) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

BUSSINESS PLAN (GATEWAY TO SNOWTOWN) - Essay Example In order to reverse this abysmal trend, my plan proposes the design and implementation of a project that will establish two main gateway signs, to be located in two strategic sites in the town. The overall rationale behind this decision is to present Snowtown to commuters before their entry into the district. It will also serve as a quick reference to what is on offer and where it can be obtained within the premise of the city. The project envisages beyond given the town an aesthetic phase lift to also providing a one stop coordinating network of the town’s iconic and signing outlay. To be incorporated in the project is the construction of public services centers at definite locations within the overall framework of the project. Snowtown by virtue of her location is the most preferred route for road users commuting to and fro Adelaide and Port Piere. Owing to this significant advantage, it is incumbent on the city planners to identify how to enhance the comparative advantage of this phenomenon within the established context of road transport. A recent survey indicates that, most travelers know little or nothing about this boisterous town besides cruising through it to their intended destinations. The project therefore, desires to embark on a massive publicity campaign that will showcase the township as an appealing tourism destination that will treat visitors to a delightful exhibition of the rich cultural heritage of Snowtown. It will serve as a platform to tap into the vibrant agricultural legacy for which the township is reputed for. In the case of Snowtown, besides the conventional road signage, there is a conspicuous gap in the provision of other equally relevant information outposts that presents the town in a unique fashion with the view of marketing it. In recognition of the above fact, there has been a remarkable move by government in recent times to explore within available provisions to pursue viable programmes that spurs sustainable economic

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Post traumatic Stress Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Post traumatic Stress Disorder - Essay Example This resultant stressed mind negatively affects individuals’ ability to function normally and wrecks their daily life, further causing depression and in extreme cases psychological disorders. That is, in a stressed and depressed state, individuals may not be able to utilize their physical as well as mental parts optimally. When that happens there will be a poor match between the personal, societal expectations and the functional ability of the individuals, which in turn leads to disorientation of individuals’ psychological systems causing disorders like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Background about PTSD and the main claim or theme PTSD, an anxiety and stress related psychological disorder, can develop in individuals, when he/she is exposed to a shocking event or ordeal, during which grave mental torture or physical harm has occurred. Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD may include violent personal assaults on the individuals, or when the individuals get cau ght in natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, or even military combat. (â€Å"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder†). Individuals affected with PTSD could undergo grave mental ordeals, affecting not only their personal, professional and social lives, but also that of their related and associated lives. This disorder will be visible in persons immediately after a traumatic event and could continue for a shorter or a longer time, according to the severity of the event. When persons are afflicted with PTSD, they exhibit many symptoms like persistent frightening thoughts and memories of their ordeal, feeling emotionally detached as well as numb, especially with people they were once close to, experiencing sleep deprivation or problems, etc. (â€Å"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder†). So, it is a difficult disorder that could afflict all types of individuals, particularly the people who have high chances of facing traumatic events like the soldiers in the battlefield, war ret urnees, etc. The severity of the affliction due to PTSD also depends on the character, thought process, physical ability and mental fortitude of the individuals. Because based on the above mentioned qualities only, the individuals will cope up or given in to PTSD. This being the case, treatment options for the sufferers of PTSD has to be oriented based on their personal as well as social life. Although, various medications as well as psychological therapies are being practiced, it is of crucial importance in any method of treatment to include the partner as well as family members of the affected including that of the war returnees in the treatment process, with this essay focusing on that aspect. Symptoms and its repercussions As pointed out above, PTSD is a condition which is brought about by exposure to a traumatic incident that kind of plays back through flashbacks or in the dreams/nightmares of the affected individuals. (Yehuda 67). The traumatic events could directly involve th e individual, where he/she has been exposed to a threat of death, as well as other physical and psychological assaults, and also when someone else, who are known and close to the individuals, are exposed to the same threats and assaults. When they or ‘others’ are under threat, it is natural for the individuals to get afraid, with that fear only triggering sizable split-second changes in the individual’s body and preparing the body to face it or avoid it, through a response called

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

SPCA Fundraising event Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

SPCA Fundraising event - Coursework Example The activities associated with the SPCA’s three divisions require significant funding in order to ensure all policy initiatives are fulfilled in an environment where the rising costs of supplies, labor and general operations continue to rise. Currently, the SPCA is witnessing depleting of available funds and diminished donations from the community due largely to budget cuts within local and national governments and citizen apathy toward providing critical financial donations to the organization. Concurrently, competition from legacy charity organizations and emerging non-profits are contributing to lack of available funding for the SPCA as these organizations compete for charitable donations. If the SPCA does not radically improve its procurement of critical revenues, it is projected that the organization will have to downsize its labor force, restructure the organization, and abandon many national programs designed to foster anti-cruelty initiatives that service the organizat ion’s mission goal. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals must fund a wide variety of different activities and programs to achieve the organization’s mission successfully. This includes financial support for the following activities and facilities: In addition to the above support divisions requiring financial funding, the SPCA maintains a grant program which provides to various non-profit animal welfare organizations, rescue groups and animal shelters. In 2013, the SPCA provided over $17 million in grants for organizations that service the SPCA mission goals. However, with depleting available funds and reduced donations, it is projected that the SPCA will be forced, by 2015, to terminate its grant program which will significantly impact the ability of various animal welfare organizations to provide America’s animals with the care and assistance required. The national impact of the current economic situation within the SPCA could

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Novel Study Dracula Bram Stoker English Literature Essay

Novel Study Dracula Bram Stoker English Literature Essay Fear is manifested in an individual when they are unsure of the outcome of their actions. Fear is also an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. Fear is when a stranger is doing something out of the blue or unexpectedly. Everyone has their own fears but no matter how you look at it we all overcome our fears eventually. In Bram Stokers Dracula the protagonist Jonathan Harker comes across many weird situations which put his life and his fiancà ©s life in danger. In this novel it is evident that: Jonathan Harker fears Count Dracula, fears for his fiancà ©e Mina, and fears for his life. For example in beginning of the story when Jonathan Harker is sent to do some legal work for a foreigner named Count Dracula he comes across his unique and massive castle. In this time spent at his castle he develops fear for Count Dracula and his inhuman activities. He spends some time searching for an exit but sadly he is left lost. But my very feelings changed to repulsion and terror when I saw the whole man slowly emerge from the window, and begin to crawl down the castle wall over that dreadful abyss, face down, with his cloak spreading out around him like great wings. (Jonathon, 29) This quote shows his fear of the Count because he was faced with an unpleasant but strong feeling caused by the danger he feels he could be in. This quote is also the first time Jonathan Harker is scared of his client Dracula and starts his mission to escape. Another quote that shows Jonathans fear toward Dracula is when Dracula approaches Jonathan as he attending to a cut on his (Jonathan) chin. As the Count leaned over me and his hands touched me a horrible feeling of nausea came over me, which, do what I would, I could not conceal. (Jonathon, 35) The reason why Jonathan is fearful at this moment is because he is come across a stranger that is unexpectedly touching him without his consent in a violent sort of way. In conclusion Jonathan Harker fears Count Dracula because he is shady character that comes out of the blue, and acts with somewhat of an inhuman personality. Furthermore, Harker also fears for his fiancà ©e Mina, as he realizes the Count has developed interest in her. There are many examples of this point but one main being is when he catches the Count reading Jonathans mails to his fiancà © and finds a picture of Mina in his room. I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt. I fear. I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul. God keep me, if only for the sake of those dear to me!(Jonathon, 15) This quote is in reference to when Jonathan Harker is exploring the castle for a way. However he finds Draculas room with his letters which he asked the count to mail and Minas picture. After this moment Jonathan describes his fear in the quote above by saying: which I dare not confess to my own soul. God keep me, if only for the sake of those dear to me!(15) In this quote he shows that he is terrified of his findings and he doesnt want tell his soul what he thinks the Count is up to. In the end of the quote he prays for those dear to me!(15) which is reference to his fiancà ©e Mina. Another quote that shows his fear for Mina safety is after when he escapes Draculas castle and marries Mina. After they are settled and come back to London Jonathan is surprised to see Dracula in a much younger form. He was very pale, and his eyes seemed bulging out as, half in terror and half in amazement, he gazed at a tall, thin man, with a beaky nose and black moustache and pointed beardà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I had a good view of him. His face was not a good face; it was hard, and cruel, and sensual, and his big white teeth, that looked all the whiter because his lips were so red, were pointed like an animals. (Jonathon, 147) This is the quote when Jonathan sees the Count in London after escaping from his castle in the Carpathians. This quote doesnt show fear for Mina directly but we can infer that Dracula has come back in a much younger form to get Mina, because of this Jonathan is fearful for Minas safety and soon after this event he falls extremely ill because of this fear. In conclusion, fear invoked within Jonathan because Dracula is showing interest in Mina and comes as far turning into a younger man and coming to London. Finally fear is represented by Jonathans worry for his life. This focus of his fear has been brought up many times involving Count Dracula but also by other individuals. One excellent example of Harkers fear for his own life is when he is roaming around the castle trying to find a way out but he fails and is encountered by three lady vampires. I was afraid to raise my eyelids, but looked out and saw perfectly under the lashes. The girl went on her knees, and bent over me, simply gloating. There was a deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck, she actually licked her lips like an animal. . . . Lower and lower went her head as the lips went below the range of my mouth and chin and seemed about to fasten on my throat. . . . I closed my eyes in a languorous ecstasy and waited-waited with beating heart. (Jonathon, 32) Here quote he is antagonized by the three vampire ladies and is attacked by them. This quote shows the fear Jonathan has because as I stated in the beginning that fear is caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. This situation is a great example of my statement. Jonathan is surrounded by those three vampires and since he was aware of the danger he is in that causes him to fear for himself. Another of example of Jonathans fear for himself is when he is walking alone through a dark alley he spots a dreadful creature he has never seen before. There, on the glimmering seat, the silver light of the moon struck a half-reclining figure, snowy white something dark stood behind the seat where the white figure shone, and bent over it. What it was, whether man or beast, I could not tell. (Jonathon, 136) This is the quote spoken when Jonathan encounters supposedly Dracula in the form of a werewolf to kill Jonathan so he can abduct Mina. Fear is shown when he is encountered with an inhuman being that is posing as an unexpected danger. He is also frightened that he is alone in a shady pathway with a creature out to get him. In conclusion, Jonathan Harker is confronted with many circumstances that cause him to fear for himself such as when he is attacked by the three lady vampires and when he is attacked by Dracula in werewolf form. In summary, the novel Dracula contains many different themes. The most evident theme is fear. Fear is portrayed very differently throughout the book but is caused by more or less the same influences, which are: Fear is also an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. Fear is when a stranger is doing something out of the blue or unexpectedly. The protagonist, Jonathan Harker is faced with many different moments in the story which he had to burden for himself and other people. He had shown to fear Count Dracula, fear for his wife Mina, and fears for himself. As a result, fear plays a key role in the plot development of this novel, and the protagonist Jonathan Harker is challenged to overcome it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Histories Maladies :: essays research papers

It seems these days that our world's history is becoming more and more misconstrued and misused. Everywhere you look or read about history, someone has made a massive blunder. Facts become fiction and fiction fact. And it's always done so to someone or some group's benefit. Take the history of slavery, for example. This always controversial subject has been a key element in the history of our United States of America for many generations, and will be for many more. But the truth, rather the complete truth is not taught in school. Why? Because if it was there are certain groups of people that would be outraged. This is not a racist or prejudiced view, but people who seem to believe that others should be held accountable for what their ancestors did to the others' ancestors will always hold a controlling voice in what is taught in history. Where did this point come from? Simple: as we all know, native Africans were sold into slavery during American colonial times. That has never been disputed. What is not taught, however, is who sold them into slavery. And why is that? Because if it were taught, that controlling minority would lose it's control, not just over history, but politics, education and more. And what's more about slavery is that it wasn't only Africans who were sold into slavery during the course of mankind, but also Jews, Arabs, Irish, Scottish, English, Germans... The list goes on. In fact, every major ethnicity or nationality has had members of it's ancestry enslaved at some point in time. It's nothing that hasn't been performed for eons. But why do we concentrate so hard on the slavery of Africans? Because we have to. Another problem with history as it is taught is religious persecution. Christianity for many centuries has complained that it is persecuted constantly throughout history. Yes, that's true, but Christianity fails to point out that it itself is one of the worst religions when it comes to persecuting other religions. The Crusades are a prime example of persecution performed by Christianity. No religion is exempt from having been persecuted or having performed persecution. But we're not allowed to know that. The Jewish religion is another example. Always one of the most fiercest anti-Christian religions, Judaism is known for being persecuted. Although true enough that their religion has most definitely suffered the worst religious abuse they too participate in the active destruction of other religions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun Textual Analysis (2008)

The film ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ (2008) is the hybridity genre of comedy and a realist drama. Its setting is a small apartment in Chicago, in the 1950s at times of racism segregation and also segregation towards women. The situation is that the protagonist is the film wants to be rich. The target audience for this film would be from the age of 18+ as I feel it is directed more to the older people in society although the film is a PG. Its demographic audience would be some one of the B-C2 range. ‘A Raisin in the Sun Todorov’s narrative structure starts with equilibrium as even though the family is poor they are still happy even though they are struggling. Also as they receive the life insurance from Lena’s late husband. It moves on to disruption of equilibrium as when Lena gives Walter the money he loses it in his business. The disequilibrium continues as Ruth, Walters wife falls pregnant and is scared to tell Walter. The reinstatement of equilibrium is when Lena buys the house and they are all able to move in and are finally happy. The codes and convections that show the poorness of the family were there dress codes. There all wore cloths that would be worn by someone of a lower class as they were dirty and you could see that they were sewn back up in places. If they were of the richer class they would wear expensive suits and dress. They lived in a small apartment where there son had to sleep on the sofa, Beneatha and Lena had to share a room, this connotates that the family are struggling and there not enough room for everyone in the small apartment. They had to wake up early in the morning just to have a bath in time for work. All these add up to the fact that the segregation in those times was bad, and black people had to struggle to survive, and be persistent to be able to find their way through life. A Subversion of gender comes in three times; Firstly Walter ridicules Beneatha for wanting to be a doctor. In the 1950s women tended to be nurses not doctors as they felt men were much more capable and smarter this. But Beneatha had the persistence and had family should of supported her. The second time is when Lena Younger chooses to give Walter the money instead of Beneatha who needed it more for her education, just because Walter was ‘the man of the house’ by Lena’s gesture codes you can connotate that she didn’t really want to give him the money but felt she had to just to please him.. The third time was when Beneatha began to say that she doesn’t believe in God, which earned her a slap across the face from her mother. The director increases the diegetic sound of the slap to emphasize on the importance of it. Also bringing in a close up on Beneatha’s face to show her reaction. Her reaction dennotates shock however connotates the fact that she’s hurt that her mum would ever do something like that to her.