Sunday, February 16, 2020

Choose one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Choose one - Essay Example – This is the thesis†¦ II. The Progressive Period The Progressive Period in the US approximately started in 1890 to 1920 as a social movement that grew into a political movement, and somewhere in 1900 to 1918, was the training ground for a transformation of the relationship between a democratic government and the people, essentially highlighting Prohibition and woman suffrage (PBS; GWU). This period was also generally referred to as the transition from agrarian to urbanization, a depiction of more advanced transformation of the civilization and high level way of thinking. III. World War II On the other hand, World War II began in 1939 to 1945, and women were considered partners in winning the war due to the following points: there was a changed image of women’s roles, they joined the nurse corps and armed forces, they were encouraged to serve the military, they filled in traditional male jobs particularly in production, and they performed functions both at home and in the community and so on (National Women’s History Museum). The point is that women were started to be viewed as equal with men and that made them essential counterparts in order for the US to successfully win the war. IV. Post-War Expansion Period Right after the World War II is the Post-War Expansion Period. ... After all, Post-War Expansion Period was the economic expansion of the US, by which women had special participation in the process. V. Analysis It is evident, based on the information as stated so far that the transition in the US history of development over the course of time was fueled by social, political and economic factors. However, men and women substantially worked out for this. Therefore, having the thought like this will pave the way for understanding that the involvement of women in particular in the entire scenario of development is not just only a sole controversial issue, but a specific subject that requires fundamental analysis to understand its actual transformation as directly influenced by socio-economic and political factors. What therefore is one of the most important actions to take is to know the varying attitudes to women’s roles in the workforce in each of the three introduced periods. Another important point is to further analyze how these attitudes we re changed. Finally, to understand why these attitudes changed is just another important point to consider. Clearly, women were not considered equal counterparts of men from the beginning and this was due to social understanding linked in particular to a patriarchal society in the US and even in other parts of the world. This dates back to the beginning, but what is much more explicit observation was the aggressive considered nature of men by then, as depicted from their ability to conquer. Such history remains vivid in the minds of the Americans especially supplemented by one of the thoughts like on how Christopher Columbus discovered, subjugated and put the entire native America

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Masculinity and Violence in Fight Club and Drowning Tucson Essay

Masculinity and Violence in Fight Club and Drowning Tucson - Essay Example However, when â€Å"a generation of men† is raised by women, there is no â€Å"male example† (Palahniuk 50) to follow and males only have that urge for liberalization and the need to ascertain their masculinity. One can see that the Tyler in Fight Club is the real macho man who tries to struggle away from the feminized Narrator, or, in other words, Tyler is the real male self of the Narrator. In fact, what Palahniuk points out and what the reader feels is that real masculinity involves surplus aggressiveness and sexual and emotional desires. In the real society, most males are forced to employ surplus repression to look civilized. Thus, there are institutions of male bonding which offer them a way to unleash this hidden aggression in the safest possible way. They engage in fist fight in such institutions and enjoy a sense of power. In the novel, the Narrator is a person who has lost his sense of manhood. He does not have a name, lives alone, and is unable to make health y relations with others. This extreme pain and alienation makes the real man in him struggle away and become Tyler who wants to become the leader of the â€Å"space monkeys† (Palahniuk 132).... The more comfortable the Narrator becomes with Marla, the more detached he gets with the destructive plans made by Tyler. Finally, by the time he admits he likes her, the Narrator is in total contradiction with Tyler, and eliminates him (Palahniuk 15). However, the men who are still isolated continue demanding the return of the anarchic Tyler. At least the Narrator realizes Marla is not the reason behind anarchy. Thus, one can see that there are various factors Palahniuk tries to point out as the reasons behind violence. The first one is the lack of role models of maleness for the new generation which is often brought up in a feminized society. The feminist era took away everything that is good as the virtues of femaleness and men of the post-feminist period were left with nothing more than mere ambiguity regarding masculinity and parenting (Palahniuk 141). The second important factor is the ‘homophobia’ developed by men in a patriarchal society. It is admitted facts tha t many hate crimes occur as a result of doubts over sexual orientation. In Fight Club, the Narrator gives Angel Face a severe beating to see that his beauty is reduced because the Narrator hates the favoritism Tayler shows towards him. (Palahniuk 96) Evidently, males have their own ways of measuring masculinity. To illustrate, in Fight Club, it is seen that the ability to conquer a woman is an important aspect of deciding ones maleness. As a result, there is a kind of rift between males that arises out of this competition to win women, and in the novel, there is a great degree of tension between Tayler and the Narrator in this regard. (Palahniuk 113) Thus, it becomes evident that men’s lives are structured around aggressiveness and power relations. The highly phallic notion of masculinity