Thursday, October 31, 2019

Post traumatic Stress Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Post traumatic Stress Disorder - Essay Example This resultant stressed mind negatively affects individuals’ ability to function normally and wrecks their daily life, further causing depression and in extreme cases psychological disorders. That is, in a stressed and depressed state, individuals may not be able to utilize their physical as well as mental parts optimally. When that happens there will be a poor match between the personal, societal expectations and the functional ability of the individuals, which in turn leads to disorientation of individuals’ psychological systems causing disorders like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Background about PTSD and the main claim or theme PTSD, an anxiety and stress related psychological disorder, can develop in individuals, when he/she is exposed to a shocking event or ordeal, during which grave mental torture or physical harm has occurred. Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD may include violent personal assaults on the individuals, or when the individuals get cau ght in natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, or even military combat. (â€Å"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder†). Individuals affected with PTSD could undergo grave mental ordeals, affecting not only their personal, professional and social lives, but also that of their related and associated lives. This disorder will be visible in persons immediately after a traumatic event and could continue for a shorter or a longer time, according to the severity of the event. When persons are afflicted with PTSD, they exhibit many symptoms like persistent frightening thoughts and memories of their ordeal, feeling emotionally detached as well as numb, especially with people they were once close to, experiencing sleep deprivation or problems, etc. (â€Å"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder†). So, it is a difficult disorder that could afflict all types of individuals, particularly the people who have high chances of facing traumatic events like the soldiers in the battlefield, war ret urnees, etc. The severity of the affliction due to PTSD also depends on the character, thought process, physical ability and mental fortitude of the individuals. Because based on the above mentioned qualities only, the individuals will cope up or given in to PTSD. This being the case, treatment options for the sufferers of PTSD has to be oriented based on their personal as well as social life. Although, various medications as well as psychological therapies are being practiced, it is of crucial importance in any method of treatment to include the partner as well as family members of the affected including that of the war returnees in the treatment process, with this essay focusing on that aspect. Symptoms and its repercussions As pointed out above, PTSD is a condition which is brought about by exposure to a traumatic incident that kind of plays back through flashbacks or in the dreams/nightmares of the affected individuals. (Yehuda 67). The traumatic events could directly involve th e individual, where he/she has been exposed to a threat of death, as well as other physical and psychological assaults, and also when someone else, who are known and close to the individuals, are exposed to the same threats and assaults. When they or ‘others’ are under threat, it is natural for the individuals to get afraid, with that fear only triggering sizable split-second changes in the individual’s body and preparing the body to face it or avoid it, through a response called

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

SPCA Fundraising event Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

SPCA Fundraising event - Coursework Example The activities associated with the SPCA’s three divisions require significant funding in order to ensure all policy initiatives are fulfilled in an environment where the rising costs of supplies, labor and general operations continue to rise. Currently, the SPCA is witnessing depleting of available funds and diminished donations from the community due largely to budget cuts within local and national governments and citizen apathy toward providing critical financial donations to the organization. Concurrently, competition from legacy charity organizations and emerging non-profits are contributing to lack of available funding for the SPCA as these organizations compete for charitable donations. If the SPCA does not radically improve its procurement of critical revenues, it is projected that the organization will have to downsize its labor force, restructure the organization, and abandon many national programs designed to foster anti-cruelty initiatives that service the organizat ion’s mission goal. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals must fund a wide variety of different activities and programs to achieve the organization’s mission successfully. This includes financial support for the following activities and facilities: In addition to the above support divisions requiring financial funding, the SPCA maintains a grant program which provides to various non-profit animal welfare organizations, rescue groups and animal shelters. In 2013, the SPCA provided over $17 million in grants for organizations that service the SPCA mission goals. However, with depleting available funds and reduced donations, it is projected that the SPCA will be forced, by 2015, to terminate its grant program which will significantly impact the ability of various animal welfare organizations to provide America’s animals with the care and assistance required. The national impact of the current economic situation within the SPCA could

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Novel Study Dracula Bram Stoker English Literature Essay

Novel Study Dracula Bram Stoker English Literature Essay Fear is manifested in an individual when they are unsure of the outcome of their actions. Fear is also an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. Fear is when a stranger is doing something out of the blue or unexpectedly. Everyone has their own fears but no matter how you look at it we all overcome our fears eventually. In Bram Stokers Dracula the protagonist Jonathan Harker comes across many weird situations which put his life and his fiancà ©s life in danger. In this novel it is evident that: Jonathan Harker fears Count Dracula, fears for his fiancà ©e Mina, and fears for his life. For example in beginning of the story when Jonathan Harker is sent to do some legal work for a foreigner named Count Dracula he comes across his unique and massive castle. In this time spent at his castle he develops fear for Count Dracula and his inhuman activities. He spends some time searching for an exit but sadly he is left lost. But my very feelings changed to repulsion and terror when I saw the whole man slowly emerge from the window, and begin to crawl down the castle wall over that dreadful abyss, face down, with his cloak spreading out around him like great wings. (Jonathon, 29) This quote shows his fear of the Count because he was faced with an unpleasant but strong feeling caused by the danger he feels he could be in. This quote is also the first time Jonathan Harker is scared of his client Dracula and starts his mission to escape. Another quote that shows Jonathans fear toward Dracula is when Dracula approaches Jonathan as he attending to a cut on his (Jonathan) chin. As the Count leaned over me and his hands touched me a horrible feeling of nausea came over me, which, do what I would, I could not conceal. (Jonathon, 35) The reason why Jonathan is fearful at this moment is because he is come across a stranger that is unexpectedly touching him without his consent in a violent sort of way. In conclusion Jonathan Harker fears Count Dracula because he is shady character that comes out of the blue, and acts with somewhat of an inhuman personality. Furthermore, Harker also fears for his fiancà ©e Mina, as he realizes the Count has developed interest in her. There are many examples of this point but one main being is when he catches the Count reading Jonathans mails to his fiancà © and finds a picture of Mina in his room. I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt. I fear. I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul. God keep me, if only for the sake of those dear to me!(Jonathon, 15) This quote is in reference to when Jonathan Harker is exploring the castle for a way. However he finds Draculas room with his letters which he asked the count to mail and Minas picture. After this moment Jonathan describes his fear in the quote above by saying: which I dare not confess to my own soul. God keep me, if only for the sake of those dear to me!(15) In this quote he shows that he is terrified of his findings and he doesnt want tell his soul what he thinks the Count is up to. In the end of the quote he prays for those dear to me!(15) which is reference to his fiancà ©e Mina. Another quote that shows his fear for Mina safety is after when he escapes Draculas castle and marries Mina. After they are settled and come back to London Jonathan is surprised to see Dracula in a much younger form. He was very pale, and his eyes seemed bulging out as, half in terror and half in amazement, he gazed at a tall, thin man, with a beaky nose and black moustache and pointed beardà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I had a good view of him. His face was not a good face; it was hard, and cruel, and sensual, and his big white teeth, that looked all the whiter because his lips were so red, were pointed like an animals. (Jonathon, 147) This is the quote when Jonathan sees the Count in London after escaping from his castle in the Carpathians. This quote doesnt show fear for Mina directly but we can infer that Dracula has come back in a much younger form to get Mina, because of this Jonathan is fearful for Minas safety and soon after this event he falls extremely ill because of this fear. In conclusion, fear invoked within Jonathan because Dracula is showing interest in Mina and comes as far turning into a younger man and coming to London. Finally fear is represented by Jonathans worry for his life. This focus of his fear has been brought up many times involving Count Dracula but also by other individuals. One excellent example of Harkers fear for his own life is when he is roaming around the castle trying to find a way out but he fails and is encountered by three lady vampires. I was afraid to raise my eyelids, but looked out and saw perfectly under the lashes. The girl went on her knees, and bent over me, simply gloating. There was a deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck, she actually licked her lips like an animal. . . . Lower and lower went her head as the lips went below the range of my mouth and chin and seemed about to fasten on my throat. . . . I closed my eyes in a languorous ecstasy and waited-waited with beating heart. (Jonathon, 32) Here quote he is antagonized by the three vampire ladies and is attacked by them. This quote shows the fear Jonathan has because as I stated in the beginning that fear is caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. This situation is a great example of my statement. Jonathan is surrounded by those three vampires and since he was aware of the danger he is in that causes him to fear for himself. Another of example of Jonathans fear for himself is when he is walking alone through a dark alley he spots a dreadful creature he has never seen before. There, on the glimmering seat, the silver light of the moon struck a half-reclining figure, snowy white something dark stood behind the seat where the white figure shone, and bent over it. What it was, whether man or beast, I could not tell. (Jonathon, 136) This is the quote spoken when Jonathan encounters supposedly Dracula in the form of a werewolf to kill Jonathan so he can abduct Mina. Fear is shown when he is encountered with an inhuman being that is posing as an unexpected danger. He is also frightened that he is alone in a shady pathway with a creature out to get him. In conclusion, Jonathan Harker is confronted with many circumstances that cause him to fear for himself such as when he is attacked by the three lady vampires and when he is attacked by Dracula in werewolf form. In summary, the novel Dracula contains many different themes. The most evident theme is fear. Fear is portrayed very differently throughout the book but is caused by more or less the same influences, which are: Fear is also an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. Fear is when a stranger is doing something out of the blue or unexpectedly. The protagonist, Jonathan Harker is faced with many different moments in the story which he had to burden for himself and other people. He had shown to fear Count Dracula, fear for his wife Mina, and fears for himself. As a result, fear plays a key role in the plot development of this novel, and the protagonist Jonathan Harker is challenged to overcome it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Histories Maladies :: essays research papers

It seems these days that our world's history is becoming more and more misconstrued and misused. Everywhere you look or read about history, someone has made a massive blunder. Facts become fiction and fiction fact. And it's always done so to someone or some group's benefit. Take the history of slavery, for example. This always controversial subject has been a key element in the history of our United States of America for many generations, and will be for many more. But the truth, rather the complete truth is not taught in school. Why? Because if it was there are certain groups of people that would be outraged. This is not a racist or prejudiced view, but people who seem to believe that others should be held accountable for what their ancestors did to the others' ancestors will always hold a controlling voice in what is taught in history. Where did this point come from? Simple: as we all know, native Africans were sold into slavery during American colonial times. That has never been disputed. What is not taught, however, is who sold them into slavery. And why is that? Because if it were taught, that controlling minority would lose it's control, not just over history, but politics, education and more. And what's more about slavery is that it wasn't only Africans who were sold into slavery during the course of mankind, but also Jews, Arabs, Irish, Scottish, English, Germans... The list goes on. In fact, every major ethnicity or nationality has had members of it's ancestry enslaved at some point in time. It's nothing that hasn't been performed for eons. But why do we concentrate so hard on the slavery of Africans? Because we have to. Another problem with history as it is taught is religious persecution. Christianity for many centuries has complained that it is persecuted constantly throughout history. Yes, that's true, but Christianity fails to point out that it itself is one of the worst religions when it comes to persecuting other religions. The Crusades are a prime example of persecution performed by Christianity. No religion is exempt from having been persecuted or having performed persecution. But we're not allowed to know that. The Jewish religion is another example. Always one of the most fiercest anti-Christian religions, Judaism is known for being persecuted. Although true enough that their religion has most definitely suffered the worst religious abuse they too participate in the active destruction of other religions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun Textual Analysis (2008)

The film ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ (2008) is the hybridity genre of comedy and a realist drama. Its setting is a small apartment in Chicago, in the 1950s at times of racism segregation and also segregation towards women. The situation is that the protagonist is the film wants to be rich. The target audience for this film would be from the age of 18+ as I feel it is directed more to the older people in society although the film is a PG. Its demographic audience would be some one of the B-C2 range. ‘A Raisin in the Sun Todorov’s narrative structure starts with equilibrium as even though the family is poor they are still happy even though they are struggling. Also as they receive the life insurance from Lena’s late husband. It moves on to disruption of equilibrium as when Lena gives Walter the money he loses it in his business. The disequilibrium continues as Ruth, Walters wife falls pregnant and is scared to tell Walter. The reinstatement of equilibrium is when Lena buys the house and they are all able to move in and are finally happy. The codes and convections that show the poorness of the family were there dress codes. There all wore cloths that would be worn by someone of a lower class as they were dirty and you could see that they were sewn back up in places. If they were of the richer class they would wear expensive suits and dress. They lived in a small apartment where there son had to sleep on the sofa, Beneatha and Lena had to share a room, this connotates that the family are struggling and there not enough room for everyone in the small apartment. They had to wake up early in the morning just to have a bath in time for work. All these add up to the fact that the segregation in those times was bad, and black people had to struggle to survive, and be persistent to be able to find their way through life. A Subversion of gender comes in three times; Firstly Walter ridicules Beneatha for wanting to be a doctor. In the 1950s women tended to be nurses not doctors as they felt men were much more capable and smarter this. But Beneatha had the persistence and had family should of supported her. The second time is when Lena Younger chooses to give Walter the money instead of Beneatha who needed it more for her education, just because Walter was ‘the man of the house’ by Lena’s gesture codes you can connotate that she didn’t really want to give him the money but felt she had to just to please him.. The third time was when Beneatha began to say that she doesn’t believe in God, which earned her a slap across the face from her mother. The director increases the diegetic sound of the slap to emphasize on the importance of it. Also bringing in a close up on Beneatha’s face to show her reaction. Her reaction dennotates shock however connotates the fact that she’s hurt that her mum would ever do something like that to her.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Government Branches Essay

Which branch of government do you think is the most powerful and why? I believe the most powerful branch of government is the Legislative Branch, because of the power it processes to keep checks and balance on the other two branches of government. There are two different houses in the legislative branch, the first is the house if representatives and the senate. The House of Representatives consists of 435 members elected from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the United States territories. The states population determines the number of members elected from each state. There are 6 non-voting members that represent the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and four other territories of the United States. The senate consists of 100 members, two from each state. Members of the house are up for election or reelection every two year as opposed to the senate, which is every six years. Together they form the congress of the United States of America. Article 1 Section 8 lists the powers of congress. Some of the more important ones include the necessary and proper clause, the commerce clause, power to tax, power to spend, coin money, and ability to borrow money, these powers give congress the ability to make laws, buy and sell goods, control a federal budget and even borrow money from foreign countries. The necessary and proper clause is one of the most powerful in the Constitution. It allows congress to â€Å"make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this constitution.† This has been used for all types of federal actions including the New Deal, McCulloch v. Maryland, integration in the states and in the federal kidnapping act. The power to tax and spend also gives congress an important power to control the federal budget, which includes Medicare, Medicate, Social Security, infrastructure, government, agencies, and maybe the most import ant, the Defense budget. The House of Representatives is also given the power to impeach the President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States. â€Å"Impeachment is a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity and the outcome of which, depending on the country, can lead to the removal of that official from office or other punishment.† There is a two-step process in order to impeach an official. First â€Å"The House Judiciary Committee decides whether or not to proceed with impeachment. If they do, The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee will propose a Resolution calling for the Judiciary Committee to begin a formal inquiry into the issue of impeachment. Based on their inquiry, the Judiciary Committee will send another Resolution to the full House stating that impeachment is warranted and why (the Articles of Impeachment), or that impeachment is not called for. The Full House will debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment. Should any one of the Articles of Impeachment be approved by a simple majority vote, the President will be â€Å"impeached.† However, being impeached is sort of like being indicted of a crime. There still has to be a trial, which is where the US Senate comes in. The Senate will meet in private session to debate a verdict. The Senate, in open session, will vote on a verdict. A 2/3rds vote of the Senate will result in a conviction.† The Legislative Branch is more powerful than both the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch because when it come down to the President voting on a piece of legislature or appointing a supreme court judge, congress has the last say. After a bill is passed by congress it is sent to the President for his vote. If the President veto’s the bill congress is able with 2/3 vote able to overturn the Presidents decision. Under Article 2, Section 2, of the US Constitution provides that â€Å"the President may nominate members of the Supreme Court, but that appointment only occurs with the â€Å"advice and consent† of the Senate. This means the Senate conducts an investigation of the candidate’s qualifications and personal background, determines whether he or she would adequately fulfill the role of Justice, then votes whether to approve or disapprove the nomination.† In the end each branch is supposed to provide checks and balances for one another, but without the approval or money that congress controls, the Executive Branch and Judicial Branch would have a hard time operating. Sources